Our specialty is neurology, neurosurgery, urology, and gastroenterology physician recruitment. We understand the culture of each specialty, and all the subspecialties through our close collaboration with practices and candidates daily. We would love nothing more than to market your opportunity.
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Not sure what your practice needs? We would love to discuss your situation and let you know what we think. We have experience helping hospitals and private practices think through the whens, ifs, and hows of hiring.

Our Services

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We understand your goals and challenges and work to find the best candidates.

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Candidate Reference

We vet candidates to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

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Advertising &

We contact our proprietary database of candidates with opportunity details.

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Candidate Research

We perform in-person candidate meetings and also with industry insiders.

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We consult on contractual issues, licensure and credentialling. processes.

More about our services

Meet the RosmanSearch Team

Judy Rosman 2023
Judy Rosman Founder
Adam Stern Headshot
Adam Stern Chief Executive Officer
Beth Dery 2024
Beth Dery President & Chief Operating Officer
Ty Chambers
Ty Chambers President of Locum Tenens
Rick Bailey
Rick Bailey Partner, Director of Recruiting and Business Development
Corrie Wiegmann
Corrie Wiegmann Partner, Director of Locum Tenens
Marissa Whalen
Marissa Whalen Partner, Neurology Recruitment Manager
Bethany Smith, Advanced Practice Provider Recruiter
Bethany Smith Partner, Manager of Data Quality and Administration
Josh Blackwelder
Joshua Blackwelder Locum Tenens Recruitment Consultant
Angie Boyle
Angie Boyle Locum Tenens Credentialing Manager
Debbie Brosnan
Debbie Brosnan Locum Tenens Credentialing Manager
Chelsea Burgess
Chelsea Burgess Urology Recruitment Consultant
Nancy Cusick
Nancy Cusick Partner, Neurosurgery and Ortho Spine Recruitment
Mike De Mario
Mike De Mario Locum Tenens Recruitment Consultant
Samantha 2024
Samantha Dorazio Partner, Neurology Recruitment
Andy Fadenholz
Andy Fadenholz Partner, Neurology Recruitment
Jack 2024
Jack Fischer Locum Tenens Neurosurgery Consultant
Donna Frazier
Donna Frazier Neurology Recruitment Consultant
Tori Gould
Tori Gould Neurology Recruitment Consultant
Scott Greenberg
Scott Greenberg Urology Recruitment Consultant
Margaret Gresham
Margaret Gresham Gastroenterology Recruitment Consultant
Jonathan Haines
Jonathan Haines Partner, Neurosurgery and Ortho Spine Recruitment
Tom Hassard
Tom Hassard National Business Development Manager
Jason Hermanutz
Jason Hermanutz Partner, Neurology Recruitment
Adam Hine, Neurology Recruitment Consultant
Adam Hine Partner, Neurology Recruitment
Headshot Placeholder
Kristina Hysell Locum Tenens Recruitment Consultant
Jess Krusinski
Jess Krusinski Associate Recruiter
Becky Krywyj
Becky Krywyj Gastroenterology Recruitment Consultant
Quentin 2024
Quentin Lawrence Gastroenterology Recruitment Consultant
Cait 2024
Cait Lewis Locum Tenens Recruitment Coordinator
Lianna LoDuca
Lianna LoDuca Associate Recruiter
Kevin Morgan
Kevin Morgan Gastroenterology Recruitment Consultant
Connor Olczak
Connor Olczak Neurology Recruitment Consultant
Sandy Oliveaux
Sandy Oliveaux Urology Recruitment Consultant
Gabriel Pewu
Gabriel Pewu Urology Recruitment Consultant
Karie Riley
Karie Riley Locum Tenens Recruitment Consultant
Tessa Rolleston
Tessa Rolleston Neurosurgery and OrthoSpine Recruitment Associate
Morgan Schiff
Morgan Schiff Locum Tenens Recruiting Coordinator
Brandon Schumacher
Brandon Schumacher National Business Development Manager
Jennifer Sereda Headshot
Jennifer Sereda Neurology Recruitment Consultant
Jalyn Speller
Jalyn Speller Associate Recruiter
TJ Wasserman
TJ Wasserman Marketing Manager
Hannah Watene, Neurology Recruitment Consultant
Hannah Watene Neurology Recruitment Consultant
Andrea Winslow
Andrea Winslow Partner, Neurosurgery and Ortho Spine Recruitment
Charlie Wort
Charlie Wort Locum Tenens Hospitalist Consultant
Jenn Wright
Jenn Wright National Business Development Manager
Kelly Zimmerman
Kelly Zimmermann Gastroenterology Recruitment Consultant

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